
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quick Tips For Sleep

In such a hurry up and go society it can be even more difficult to find the information you need quickly.  For just that reason here are some very quick tips for getting a good night's sleep.

Women sleeping

Are you the person who is stuck in bed not being able to get to sleep? You’re not the only one, many people around the world have problems getting to sleep in a timely fashion. This article will help you learn 10 different ways that will help you get to sleep faster at night and increase the quality of sleep you get at night.

Working Out – Regular exercise such as walking, biking, or swimming can be a great way to stay healthy and improve your sleep quality because it helps regulate your sleep/wake cycle. However, you should try to work out earlier in the day because the stimulation you get after exercising can actually make it harder for you to get to sleep at night.

Lower Temperature – Maintaining a cooler temperature in your bedroom will lower your body’s temperature, which initiates tiredness. Try setting your temperature around 65 degrees, you can always adjust it after that depending on what you like.

Ditch the Pets – A recent study done by Mayo Clinic proved that 53 percent of people have a hard time falling to sleep quickly at night because of disruptions from their pets. Keep your pets off the bed or even in another room when you’re trying to sleep, this will help you get to sleep faster.

Keep Day Job at Work – A study of 2,300 adults from the United States showed that employees who were stressed at work, and brought their work home were more likely to have troubles getting to sleep and sleeping peacefully at night. Try leaving your work related problems back at the office, and focus more on having fun and spending time with family in the evenings. You will be surprised how much this will help you get to sleep faster at night

Appreciate Your Surroundings – Take time at night before bed to think about the things that you are appreciative about. A British study has proven that appreciative people had a greater chance of getting to sleep faster than people who were not.

Stretch – A recent study has shown that adults who stretch their lower and upper body at least four times a week for 20 to 30 minutes a time helps improve their sleep quality up to 33 percent.

Turn Electronics Off – Gamers and people who are on their computers for more than seven hours a week get less sleep at night. It can be hard for some to stray away from electronics especially if your day job requires you to use a computer; however, try to minimize your time spent playing video games or using your computer if you want to get to sleep faster and sleep better at night.

Cherry – This fruit is rich in melatonin, which helps control your sleep cycle. Eating the fruit or drinking tart cherry juice is proven to help reduce insomnia and get you to sleep faster at night. Try consuming two eight ounces of cherry juice, it should help you out at night.

Turn Lights Off – Some of you may like having a night light on while you’re sleeping, but this could be causing you from getting to sleep and staying asleep at night. Making your room dark helps your brain fully relax and recover from the long day. If you have electronics in your room, shut them off as well. Some electronics have blue lights that are left on all night so you may have to unplug the television or computer.

Carbs and Protein – Consuming carbohydrates help your brain use one of the most important amino acids for causing sleepiness called tryptophan. When you consume proteins, it helps make tryptophan in your body. Combining carbohydrates and proteins are a great way to get to sleep faster at night so if you are hungry try eating a peanut butter sandwich before you go to bed. I do not recommend eating every night or eating a lot before bed because it could give you a reverse affect and may keep you up all night.

These are ten great tips that you can try to get to sleep faster at night. You may find that some will work well for you and some may not have an impact on your sleep at all. I recommend starting with one technique and trying it for a week or so and see if it helps you. If it doesn’t move on to the next, eventually you should find one that works great for your body.

Original Article Here

Nathan says:  always good to have a reminder on quick ways to get some much needed sleep.  Would you add anything else to this list?

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